Just before Covid, I sent a letter to my board (Link Care Foundation) asking that I be allowed to move on. This was quite unexpected, but I felt it was time for me to step out of my leadership roles as President, licensed Psychologist, and old guy, into a new role (President Emeritus, or as one of my close friends said, was Latin for has been…) It was time for new leadership and new or refined ideas. (I am so grateful to say that Link Care has done just fine without me!)
So Lord… now what?
I had numerous ideas. There were some projects and consultations I hoped to develop. Most didn’t pan out. One that did was a wonderful time of walking with YFC executive leaders across Europe and surrounding areas and helping them enhance their caring skills. I have also been walking with around 50 local pastors and encouraging them. (I was licensed as a minister before leaving Link Care, and became a Pastor and Missionary with Jaron Ministries, Intl.).
So Lord… now what?
Recently I have developed this website (with the help of my designer/daughter, Sarah!) and my online learning portal (powered by Crosswired – a Cambodia-based business as mission). The overarching purpose of all of this is to provide resources and learning spaces for all the communities I work, within the church and mission globally. I will be developing numerous Communities of Purpose for specific topics and people, including both autonomous and virtual learning opportunities.
So, stay tuned!
Byron Spradlin here, Brent, Great to see these changes and your NEW Season. Excellent. I do want to stay in touch. I’m sure you’ve received my email already — but I did want to sign up for your blog. Praying for you and very thankful for you, especially in this new season. Many folks will be helped by you. Blessings — Philemon 1:4-7 — Byron
Byron Spradlin here, Brent, so glad for this new effort of yours !!
Thank you for all you do for our Friendship Class.